The Mended Heart: Embracing Brokenness with Kintsugi

In the journey of life, heartbreak is an inevitable companion. We all experience the shattering of our hearts in different ways and for various reasons. The pain can be excruciating, leaving us feeling broken and lost. However, just as the ancient Japanese art of kintsugi teaches us, there is beauty in the broken. Today, I want to talk about broken hearts, the resilience of the human spirit and the unique paths we take to heal.

Take a shattered heart and rebuild it stronger and more beautiful than it was before.


Broken heart heals differently for everyone

Heartbreak – It’s Individual Yet Universal

Heartbreak knows no boundaries; it affects people from all walks of life. We have all tasted the bitterness of a shattered heart. However, what sets us apart is the way we choose to mend ourselves. Just as no two hearts are the same, our paths to healing diverge. Some find solace in solitude, while others seek comfort in the company of loved ones. Some immerse themselves in creative endeavors, while others embark on spiritual journeys. We may heal differently, but we all share the same desire to move forward and find joy again.

The Journey to Mending Kintsugi Inspired

In the realm of kintsugi, broken ceramics are repaired with gold or silver lacquer, transforming them into objects of remarkable beauty. Similarly, our broken hearts weave their way to healing with the help of friends, family, therapy and time. It is a testament to the strength we gain through our experiences. Our determination to mend the broken pieces of our hearts guides us through the process even if they will never be exactly the same as before. Interestingly, each time my heart breaks, a new pendant signifying the heartbreak is born.

Broken heart making space for something new

Healing Has It’s Own Journey

Mending a broken heart is not a linear process, nor is it a destination with a clear endpoint. It is a continuous journey of self-discovery, acceptance, and growth. Each day brings new challenges and triumphs, but with every step forward, we become more resilient and open to love once again. Our hearts, though mended, bear the marks of our past, serving as a testament to our ability to mend and move on.

As the wire intertwines and secures the fragmented pieces of the pendant, it creates something new, unique, and visually striking. The repaired pendant becomes a tangible reflection of our growth and resilience. The cracks are not concealed; instead, they are illuminated and celebrated. They remind us that the wounds we carry are not signs of weakness but of strength and the capacity to heal.

A final note, a space in which to heal is a must. You can get my quick reference guide on creating a sacred space when you sign up for my email. Join me in bringing forth beauty into this world.
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